Tuesday, October 12, 2010


With perfect smooth rhythms that get your feet moving your hips shaking in time to the beat, I have found a band that I can listen to while cleaning the house and actually smile while doing so.  I like music that has a funky dirty groove to it and Gidgets delivers. You hear tones of Kurt Cobain in the vocals (a little dirty, little rough around the edges, perhaps a little too much whiskey the night before). The music itself is music you want to get up and move around to. 

This is definitely not sit down and chill music!

Good Enough” starts out with a great power riff and then you get into these vocals that remind you of the Clash with a touch of the Ramones. The best lyrics in the song are “I’m not mad, I’ve just had enough” there’s real anger and frustration and we’ve all been there. It’s one of those lyrics you’d scream out when singing it at a concert, or even in the shower. 
If you ever have one of those days where you just don’t give a YOU KNOW WHAT this band delivers with a song that you’ll crank up with the windows down. Simply called “Damn”, this song delivers the words we’d all like to say on occasion “I don’t give a damn about anything…..understand” This song, like all their others is one that the listener can relate to. They don’t sing what others tell them to sing, they sing what they’re feeling, what they think. 

They sing what they want.

In the music world today that’s a rare thing. I think that’s one of the many appeals that this band has. They’re going against the grain while going with it at the same time.  Mainstream and underground all at once, and that’s what keeps the listener engaged. Because they could definitely be on the top charts in the music industry today, but they’re not (yet!). I would say that this band could give some of the extremely popular bands here in the states a run for their money.

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